Archive | April, 2014

Too Much

19 Apr

Follow Your Bliss Austin

When I was a kid, I used to get teased for being weird. I had a crazy imagination, lots of energy, and some far out notions about reality. It never really bothered me until my brother had his schizophrenic breakdown when I was thirteen. We moved back to the U.S. and I had to start junior high with a bunch of hormonal strangers. Two girls made fun of my haircut on the first day. I ate lunch in the guidance counselor’s office for a week. I had lots of hopes about my teenage years. Those hopes, to no one’s fault, were met with a lot of disappointment. With chaos reigning my home life, it suddenly became very important to fit in. Be good enough to be special but not different enough to stand out. And don’t you get your hopes up. It’s the quickest way to getting hurt. Follow these…

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Horror vacui

10 Apr

Follow Your Bliss Austin

Nature abhors a vacuum. So do humans. When we have a hole in our lives, we seek to fill it. What we choose to stuff it with may not even fit, but we cram it in anyway. Hoping it does the trick even as we know in our hearts it won’t. This keeps us in relationships that do not serve us, jobs vaccuumthat drain us dry and commitments that suck our energy. We just do not like to experience the emptiness.

It’s an uncomfortable feeling to have a perceived void in our lives. We don’t have a job. We don’t have a partner. We are convinced something is wrong with us. And because we can only control a small part of our lives, we may feel helpless to fill these gaping chasms. So we turn to substance abuse, be it alcohol, food, drugs or other people. We will do anything…

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